emew Blog

When will Artificial Intelligence  take over your factory?

Posted by Alex Barshai on Dec 24, 2020 12:10:00 PM

While Elon Musk compares AI to “summoning the demon” and Bill Gates doesn’t “understand why some people are not concerned” that artificial intelligence slowly but steadily becomes a part of our daily lives.

Our mobile phones are equipped with Siri, Cortana or Google Now that assist us with daily tasks. Self-driven cars are already on our roads, driving thousands of miles with ZERO accidents (or at least they are not the reason for the accidents).

Retailers like Amazon and Target use a self-educating software that can anticipate your needs and offer you the next product to buy even before you know you need it.

How about these online customer support chats? Did you know that most of them are machines hiding behind human names? Many of them have the ability to learn and to adapt to the tone of questions in order to search company websites and present the right information to the customer.


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Topics: General

[VIDEO] Why some metals are easier to electrowin than others?

Posted by Sara Wollschlaeger on Mar 21, 2018 12:42:21 PM
Why is it easy to electrowin some metals, and almost impossible to electrowin others?
In a few minutes, I will explain why. The answer lies in the Electrochemical Series, and its relation to electrowinning.
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Topics: electrowinning, General

Video of emew Lab Cell Test

Posted by Alex Barshai on Dec 9, 2016 3:35:02 PM

Lab tests such as this are an ideal way to demonstrate the recovery capabilities of emew for a variety of electrolytes and feed materials. In most cases, these tests can be done right at your site so you can see the results for yourself.

This particular test is to demonstrate the recovery of copper cathode from a copper sulphate feed solution.  We can test a range of feed materials to recover not only copper, but also silver, nickel, tin and others.  This copper sulphate solution was prepared ahead of time and roughly 3L transferred to the feed tank.

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Topics: copper, electrowinning, emew, General

emew Power Consumption

Posted by Alex Barshai on Oct 17, 2016 10:33:04 AM
A common question we get here at emewCorporation is:  “What is the power consumption of emew electrowinning technology”.  This is a very important question because power consumption is one of the most significant costs involved in electrowinning, regardless of whether it is conventional or emew. 
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Topics: copper, emew, General